Blog Post

Kerry’s IBD Blog

Posted: 9th February 2023

Kerry’s IBD Blog

I was serving in the Navy and my stomach was getting progressively worse. Most of what I ate upset it. In 2016 I went to the doctor and they gave me all types of meds (some for when I had bloating, some for constipation some for loose bowels), my locker drawer on ship was full of various pills. Just said I had IBS. I knew there was more to it as my mum had it and had a colostomy bag etc so had the full works! So I was very aware of symptoms and signs(mucus and blood etc). Over the years I kept going back, doing stool samples until finally in 2021 my calprotectin came back majorly out of range and I was referred to the hospital gastroenterologist. For the year I was just in and out of hospital suffering flare ups and having cameras put up my bum, down my throat and providing stool samples.

I was sent to a medical board for discharge from the Navy as I couldn’t live that lifestyle. I needed 100% control of my life, my stress and my food. To be able to make myself well again. I turned down steroids as I wanted to manage it healthily first and through diet and exercise. I got my training and diet back on track and left the Navy in Nov 22 diagnosed with IBS, and ulcerative colitis. Over that time I made myself healthy and competed, and also achieved my pro status. I went back for review last month and the camera showed it was in remission.

Katie - KLK Nutrition

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