Molly Dunham-Friel, MPH
My name is Molly. I began having abdominal cramping, urgent diarrhea, fatigue, frequent bathroom visits and bloody bowel movements in 2012. When I started pooping blood, I really knew something was wrong and went to my primary care doctor, to get referred to a gastroenterologist.
After a not so fun rectal exam I was told I needed a colonoscopy, which subsequently diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis (UC).
Finding out that UC is incurable was devastating. I had a very hard time wrapping my 23-year-old mind around having a disease for the rest of my life and learning that I would likely need to be on medications, forever. It felt like I was the only person dealing with these embarrassing symptoms and this chronic disease I had never heard of before receiving my diagnosis. It was scary, isolating, lonely, and embarrassing among other things.
I have taken many different medications and supplements for the treatment of my UC. I have been on Mesalamine pills since my diagnosis and have tried various brands. I have also been using Mesalamine or Hydrocortisone enemas on and off for 13 years and counting. I have also used Budesonide (orally and rectally), and Hydrocortisone enemas and suppositories. I feel thankful that I have responded well to most of the medications I have tried except for Mesalamine pills alone, they did not help very much without adding in the enemas. I hate rectal medicine but since it helps me I have tried to embrace it and use my experience to help others learn how to make these unpleasant medications a little less terrible.
My most severe flare kept me house bound. I was going to the bathroom around 15 times per day. I felt like my insides were coming out of my butt hole. I was a shell of a human, the fatigue, brain fog, nausea, cramping, stabbing pains, rectal soreness among many other symptoms are simply unforgettable. The stabbing pain was at an all-time high for me, so I went to urgent care.
They took an x-ray and told me I was just having a flare, like it was no big deal since I already had an IBD diagnosis. Urgent care gave me aprescription for an anti-diarrheal and sent me on my way. I later called my GI’s office and asked for the first available appointment and to be worked into the schedule if possible. I wasn’t taking no for an answer, and took the first appointment, even though it wasn’t with my GI. They put me on a few different types of steroids in addition to my Mesalamine to help get my flare under control. It took time but eventually I slowly began to feel better. Gradually making less trips to the bathroom, seeing less blood, and gaining more strength.
IBD changed my life and affects everything. It impacts my body, mind, relationships, career, finances, plans, and my choices. There is no part of my life that IBD hasn’t touched. I wish we had a cure. I wish this debilitating disease didn’t exist, but it does, and I have it.
That being said, IBD has made me into who I am today. My ulcerative colitis gave me the passion, drive, purpose and mission I am now working on to:
Spread IBD awareness
Advocate for better healthcare
Fight for a cure
Make patient voices what drives the future of IBD treatment and care
Provide patient centered IBD education
Lift up IBD patients by building a strong and powerful community, able to create real
change in our world
Tips for other IBD warriors:
Advocate for your health
Connect with other people living with IBD
Learn about your disease
Give yourself grace
See a therapist
Keep organized medical records
Follow me on Instagram and reach out anytime
Name: Molly Dunham-Friel, MPH
Year of birth: 1988
Town and country you live: Atlanta, GA, USA
Type of IBD: Ulcerative colitis
Year of diagnosis: 2012
Symptoms at diagnosis: abdominal spasms, diarrhea, bloody stool, mucus in stool, abdominal pain, abdominal and rectal cramping, fatigue, gas, urgency, and frequent bowel movements.
Details of surgery: n/a
How I can Help you
The 6 month Mindful Gut Healing ACCELERATOR to help you transform your health journey with my 1:1 coaching programme, designed to achieve maximum impact. This tailored approach will help you reach your wellness goals and embrace a life of balance and vitality.
Implement my 3-step process to discover exactly how to cultivate a mindful approach to eating and living. Learn to attract wellness and healing naturally, using proven methods and expert guidance.