Blog Post

Trigger Foods

Posted: 28th July 2021

Trigger Foods
I think it’s incredibly vital to structure a diet around each persons’ trigger foods. I suffer with Crohn’s Disease and Coeliac Disease, and it took me many years to really establish which foods trigger me negatively. Foods which are high in fat, such as greasy dishes are a trigger for me, along with certain fruits and alcoholic drinks. Even eating a yoghurt resulted in me being admitted into hospital for over two weeks. Finding out what foods trigger you is so important if you want to live a healthy, happy life with IBD. You can then start to be experimental with cooking and eating foods which satisfy you. Even feeling confident when eating out at a restaurant is a big step in your journey.
It’s a little disheartening after years of suffering to really trust which foods do not and will not cause pain. There any many factors as to why certain foods cause more pain than others. It may be a case that all foods will cause you discomfort because there are other things going on in your life which are causing a large amount of stress, which leads to inflammation. In this case, a liquid diet could be the answer until your bowel has recovered and the inflammation has reduced. I regularly have to switch onto a liquid diet where I just blend up all my food. This isn’t ideal, but it helps so much with reducing the pain.
I went through a long process until I was actually diagnosed with Crohn’s disease – It took around three years to diagnose me. I find it so inspiring to hear patient stories and people’s journeys of diagnosis because everyone’s story is unique and different. Upon reflection, it really makes you realise how unwell you were way before any doctors had suspicions of a chronic illness. The human being is resilient, strong and powerful. The unknown makes you ignorant and careless. I was exactly like this, eating my trigger foods most days without a second thought. Looking back has made me realise I could have spent a long time in less pain! Crazy.
Bottom line don’t give up. Don’t let IBD win. Yes, we are all going through the same pain, the same depression, the same fatigue, the same struggles – but learn from each moment and let it make you stronger. You define who you are, not IBD. Let your nutrition be your passion. Practise things which reduce stress. Be kind to your body. Recognise you have an illness, and that’s totally ok. You can still live your life and do everything you dream of. We might have more setbacks compared to others, but eventually you will get through these.
If you have any questions, or want to talk about what you’re going through then send me an email:
We can get through anything together
If certain foods in your plan trigger you, tell me and I’ll remove that product from your plan moving forward. We will get to a point, as I am now, knowing exactly what to avoid and I promise you, it’s the best feeling in the world.
Love Katie xx

Katie - KLK Nutrition

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